"Feminism and choices"- Blog reader's controversial view of feminism among Nigerian women

There has been a wave of feminism sweeping through the ranks of Nigerian women and for some, it is a cause for concern because the idea of submission to husbands is fast becoming a 'taboo'.

Read this very enlightening piece by Dr Uju Okorie, a wife and medical doctor. You may not like what she wrote, but she fires from the hips.


Six years ago, I sat in a Pathology class.

The topic was inflammation and the amazing Dr Offiah was the teacher.

He told us that inflammation can be defined as the reaction of a living vascularised tissue to sub-lethal injury.

Meaning that when something upsets a living tissue that has blood flowing through it, it responds to defend itself.

In fact, very good!

But, as the class went on, my thoughts began to run wild. I raised my hand.

"Sir, from what you have explained so far, inflammation is a positive pathological response. Why then do we give patients anti-inflammatory agents (Eg: Aspirin) as medications?" I asked.

He paused.

And in his insanely awesome way of teaching, my professor went on to bring to life the biological process that can well be applied to almost every aspect of life:The process of untamed response.

Because the body's response to injury often goes out of control and subsequently results in the destruction of the body's own tissues, anti-inflammatory agents were invented.

In fact, most times in patients with sepsis (an advanced inflammatory process), the offending agent has long been completely destroyed.

Like you can't even find it anywhere!

Yet, the white blood cells continue to fight, destroying the body's own cells untiiiiiiiiiiil.....The patient dies.

So, you get to the point where you wonder what really was the point.

Sadly, this is true of feminism.

The cause appears to be an awesome idea on the surface, but the oppression of women is the inevitable end-point.

Shaming has been the tool feminism uses to enlighten women for ages. You see it everywhere, even on social media.

Submission is fast becoming a bad word. Submit to who? Someone you are equal to? Why? For what reason?

Women are fast being robbed of their choices, their free-will.

You are shamed and bullied into having a career, even when you do not want to.
Being a housewife is almost a totally disgraceful choice in recent times.
All women must go out there to prove their mettle or they are shamed, bullied, denigrated.

With Feminist ideology, there is very little room for the patience that love produces in a relationship.

He disrespects you? Dump him!

You are equal to him!

A woman who chooses to work it out is an idiot who must be shamed.

No, we do not want to know if she is motivated by the right things.

She is a complete idiot!

This is the Show-All-Working.

I do not know of a more severe form of oppression than the deprivation of choice. If you do know, please tell me.

Does it really make sense to move from one oppressor to the other? From Patriarchy to Feminism? From Pharaoh to Nebuchadnezzar? From PDP to APC?

American Author, F. Carolyn Graglia wrote:

"Feminists who ceaselessly inveigh against their oppression by men (often hardly specifying its exact nature) would ignore how they themselves have oppressed feminine women. It oppresses a woman who could delight in domesticity to tell her that her domesticity makes her a parasitic inferior to men. It oppresses a woman who yearns to stay at home with her children to tell her she is worthy only in so far she achieves in the workplace."
What we need is justice and fairness.

But Feminism does not guarantee this.
Not when it robs women of their choices.

British Writer, Ella Whelan made this clear when she wrote:

"Today's feminism is opposed to criticism and nuance, refusing to allow women to form their opinions or challenge pre-conceived ideas."

Are men and women equal?

Uju says there is no way you can ascertain this.
A mango is not equal to an orange.
A table is not equal to a chair.
A heart is not equal to a liver.

Oppress any one of them and society collapses. Agitate for their equality and society collapses.

The creator made it that way. Let us respect and honour one another for our individualities, our peculiar abilities, our indispensability.

And before you swallow the sugar-coated promises that Feminism all too readily offers, look well. You might see what made Margaret Thatcher, first female prime minister of the UK, say:

"I hate feminism. It is poison."


DR. UJU OKORIE is a medical doctor, a scientist, a wife, a public speaker, a writer, and a woman currently on scientific research program in the UK.

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