Hello Laila,
My name is Bayo (Not real name) and I an an ardent blog reader. I am confused about my wife. I didn't date her much. We just dated for 3 months before we got married. I didn't really take in-dept notice of our sex life. the orgasms she claims to be having are all fake or seem fake. I am confused. I don't know if she is lying or saying the truth but all indices point to the negative and I am worried.
I have been with plenty of women prior to meeting her and I know quite for sure that women orgasmic behaviors and reactions differ but the truth is that the only sign that my wife is cuming is just the forced loud shoutings and the voluntary shaking of her pelvis. There is no twitching, no skin flushing, no vaginal contractions, no goose pimples, no dilation of pupils, no sleeping off after wards and the orgasms hardly last 7 seconds. etc. all i get is loud screams of baby "I am coming" and they sound too fake. I have tried to discuss my fears and insecurities with her but she has lied to me over certain unrelated issues in the past so I dont know what to believe because she hardly ever says the truth. When i pushed further with evidence from my past experiences, she told me that there are different types of orgasms and that what she usually have is silent orgasm. she said that she can cum without me knowing or even shouting.
I am confused. Please i want readers opinions . Are there really women out there who have silent orgasms like my wife without the normal characteristics of orgasm. I want to be a good husband, I really want to satisfy my wife and make her happy. she claims the sex is ok but she never initiates sex and hardly gets wet. something deep down is telling me that she cannot be trusted because of the many lies she told me in the past. I dont want her to be unsatisfied and remain silent about it or lie to make me happy. I know that the next thing will be to cheat on me if she dosnt enjoy the sex. I suck her vagina sometimes and all she does when sucking her is to tell me at a point that i should stop that she has cum. I am confused. The fact is that deep down, I know that I married the wrong person but I have accepted my fate. All I want now is a way to make her happy. I want my marriage to work. I dont want her to be tempted into cheating because i will murder her if that happens. please help me on ideas on how to make her stop lying, to make her stop being secretive and then how to know if the alleged orgasms are real or fake. Thank you
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