Should I Disobey My Parents And Marry a Policeman Asking For My Hand in Marriage?

Hello lailans,
please i need ur counsel, A police man is asking for my hand in marriage,i ve known him for a while now,he is a good man but so religious,
My parents said NO !!
Reason is dt they say that police re cursed pple as force men, they gave me many examples of woeful end of those ex force men,who ve served for yrs..,their families re not blessed but full of calamities and perils bcos of how the treat other human beings and corruption and commiting murder.

I felt so bad about dia opinion and objection about my desire to marry him...
45% of my friends said similar tin and incited examples as well....
Should i abandon him cos of pple opinion ? Or should i rebel against my parents objection, its about my life and happiness. i like hima lot but i dont like where he lives in the barracks. the place is very dirty. there is nothing you wont see there. His friends always bring different ashawo and I am not comfortable there. Do anyone know a police man who really made a good home because its not as if my people are lying, most police people from my town are all useless and their children are all thieves and igbo smokers and the always marry many wives who they dont fend for. I am confused
What do i do?

Only you can answer this question. Is he an educated policeman? Is he a rouge or dirty cop? Do you really love him? Is he willing to get you and your kids a home outside the barracks? Is he responsible? if he is then marry him

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