Lailan's Help Desk: A Blog Reader's Dilemma (Pls Read)

Hello aunty laila and my fellow tilb readers, There is something that I want to share because as it stands, I may be the only person who may save the situation before this gets beyond control. as a matter of fact, it already has escalated to fighting in public. This intending couple are both my mutual friends in church and we are members of the same group and they somehow ended up with dis challenges.

I have spoken at length to the lady, (i will call her sister) but its obvious that she is not listening to me. what should I do?

Both of them were in a relationship and church authority/marriage committee re aware of it. It happens that the brother rented an apartment but the sister paid 65% of the money. Sister confided in me and even sought my opinion back then and I encouraged her since Brother (Names withheld) to the best of my knowledge is a dedicated born again and would not compromise.

The brother lives there (in the house both of them payed for) while the sister visits him. The sister also left a huge amount under the care of that brother husband to be because sister was in love and brother was responsible,

Unfortunately the brother used the money for a business whc didn't click as he planned, To recruit back d money became a serious issue and the sister is not aware of it till she needed the money to travel to turkey to buy cloths for the new cloth business she wanted to start.
The brother came up with stories, Sister thought it was a joke and even called me to tell me what brother was teasing her with. When the money didn't truly show up, reality dawned on sister and that was when all hell was let lose. Sister started vibrating in both private and public, abusing the young man. She mistakenly slapped him in at their staircase and some yard members saw the slap. Now the brother wants to quit the relationship but the sister threaten to report him to church authority/marriage committee,

What the sister said that surprises me is " Don't think you can use me, take my all and dump me and go free" she threatened to even go diabolical if the marriage committee did not do enough to make him refund her money and ensure that she has not wasted her best years waiting and investing in him. brother stuck to his guns and insist that he is no longer interested and will pay her back her money when he have it. I have been so speechless and confused cos is like they both had carnal knowledge of each other because sister is behaving like she has giving more than she could comfortably admit.

Pls I  need ur godly counsel for these intending couple. I know they love themselves but honestly the money is too big (2.3million) to easily let go so I am not judging the sister and brother on his side too has been insulted beyond what he can publicly take. I need to get back to them and ur counsel will help me to save a soul.


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