TILB:  Hello Bright. Welcome to the hottest seat online
Bright: Hello Tilb

TILB: Tell us who BrightChidi is
Bright: Actually my full names are Agu Chidiebere  Nwachukwu. I am from Enugu and I also reside at Enugu. I am a masters degree student at Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka in the field of business administration.

TILB: What do you do for a living?
Bright: I am into Real Estate because I lost my job 2 years ago. I actually had a contract job with the Central Bank of Nigeria. After the validity elapsed. It was not renewed so I had to dabble into real estate for the time being while I reinforce my academic qualification

TILB: Are you married?
Bright: (Laughs) No

TILB: So when is Mr brightgetting married
Bright: getting married this year is a priority and I am not ruling that out for any reason.

TILB: Are you engaged
Bright: (laughs) No, I am not engaged.

TILB: I have a lot of beautiful well mannered single female Lailans who would make you a fulfilled man. Does this mean they can apply?
Bright: (Laughs) Well you cant just get somebody online like that though it works for some people but I am yet to try that. May only work when you fix a date and get to meet the person face to face.

TILB: What do you want in a woman
Bright: I want a woman who will understand me cos I am a lil different. I also want a God Fearing woman because I actually need a woman who is more spiritually aware  than I am because honestly, I tend to be lukewarm sometimes so I would appreciate a woman who loves God and has the capacity to take the lead spiritually. A woman that will motivate me to become more dedicated to being a good God fearing person. I cant deal with a woman who may depend on me spiritually. I also love intelligent well behaved women.

TILB: What will Brightbring to the table if he meets this special intelligent understanding spirit filled sister from Lailas blog.
Bright: I am a very easy going person , Unassuming, I am a very quiet type and quite a funny personality. I love jokes  and being happy. Though I am reserved, i bet there wont be a dull moment at all

TILB: Where do you want to be in 5 years
Bright: I want to a management consultant. I want to be at the top of an organization where I will run the  Human resource management. That is my passion and my calling.

TILB: Most embarrassing moment
Bright: Well it was with my ex from my last relationship. She actually wanted something from me but I couldn’t offer that and Instead I offered money so that she can buy the thing or even a better one because I really couldn’t afford to give out the one I had for reasons best known to me. She threw the mother of all tantrums and I was shocked at the magnitude of the reaction from such a none issue. She stormed out. I ws really embarrassing

TILB: ok bright, I know this is a sensitive issue but please can you tell us what she actually wanted?
Bright: It was a very simple thingoooo. A piece of fabric. Just a cloth material

TILB: Somedays are like that. Thank God its in the past now. Hope you have moved on
Bright: Yeah. Its gone

TILB: What attracted you to Lailasblog?
Bright: Well, It started from Twitter where I met Laila and started following her  and from there, I came over to the blog and honestly, I have never been disappointed. I signed up to Google+ and the rest is history. Laila is the most hardworking blogger in Nigeria and the blog is updated more regularly than any other blog. If you want interesting entertainment news, This is the place and I have no regrets. The blog is very timely and often breaks a high percentage of the news. I personally Love Lailas passion for her readers and her simplicity and humility.

TILB: Whats your best moment in life so far
Bright: That would be when I got my appointment confirmation call from CBN. It was magical and I was so happy. That same day day I had to leave for Onitsha because that was my primary cashment area

TILB: In a woman, What would you prefer, Good looks, Good Character or Education
Bright: No 1 character then No 2

TILB: Mr bright, You are trying to be greedy, You only get to choase a single priority
Bright: ok. Its Character then

TILB: So does it mean That brightcan marry a well behaved illiterate from the village
Bright: (laughs loud) Erhmm, many factors should come in

TILB: Mr brights, it’s a yes or no question
Bright: No I wont marry a well behaved  illiterate

TILB: Any blog crush?
Bright: I love Wilhelmina Moses and Rosemary Awele chidi

TILB:  wow. Rosemary is simple and almost shares your temperament though she is a little more boisterous, Does that mean something nice may happen? Do I inform her that you admire her?
Bright: yes of course.Please do

TILB: Last word for Lailans
Bright: I love you all and I wish you a splendid week ahead

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog
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