Hot seat Monday!

 Hello Dearies, welcome to another edition of Hotseat Mondays. Today on the hot seat is a suave and lovely lailan whose personality and selling point is quite interesting *chuckles*

Join me as we read through the life of this Lailan that goes by the Name Enoma

 TILB: Welcome to Hotseat Mondays dear

 Enoma: Thanks hun

 TILB: Can we meet you please?
 Enoma: My name is Enoma Bestman Osaigbovo.I'm from Benin.A true son of the Oba

 TILB: Go on.We really wanna know more about you.

 Enoma: Ok I grew up in Benin but moved to Dubai in teens.Then Dubai wasn't as fine as it is now.Was around UAE when most of the current iconic structures was been built.Was there when the foundation for Burj Khalifa was being made.My dad was one of the engineers.Anyways I'm the only son of my parents.I have 3 sisters and a half sister who's mum is Ethiopian.I studied aircraft maintenance engineering and I work with a VIP airline here in Abuja.

 TILB:  Wow interesting.Aircraft maintenance engineering seems heavy to my ears.While in school , did u ever cheat in a test?

 Enoma: Lols....To be honest, i cheated alot

 TILB Smiles...So tell us, what do you spend most on; clothes, accessories, perfumes, under wears or anything else?

 Enoma: Hmmm.I spend most on travelling and clothes.And on women. Lolzzz

 TILB: So let's cruise down to memory lane.what were your dreams as a child? And what was growing up like?

 Enoma: Well as a child I always wanted to be a pilot.Infact I moved to the US to achieve that aim but my dad never supported me because I was the only son.That was why I became an aircraft engineer instead.I also loved politics..

 TILB: Hmm we all have parents like that.I'm sure he had your best interest @ heart .But being the man you've become today,if your child someday walks up to you and says he wants to study something you're quite opposed to, would you follow in your Dad's footsteps or would you allow him to choose for himself?
 Enoma: He will choosing for himself

 TILB: Which part of your body gives you so much confidence?

 Enoma:My active part.I'm Mr endowed Lolzzzz

 TILB: Smiles...What are your core values ?

 Enoma: To be a better man and a better human being everyday
 TILB: If you were a T-shirt, what colour would you be and why?

 Enoma: Probably blue. I just luv it

 TILB: Who is your blog crush?

Enoma: Zee Angel but she doesn't comment as such anymore. Sent her a special valentine message on Val's day

TILB: What would be the first thing you would do if today was your last day on earth?

 Enoma: Quickly make things right with Jehovah.I'm not ready for an eternity without him

 TILB: You've stayed in UAE for quite a while.What do you think drives progress there and how can Nigeria achieve such a great feat?

 Enoma: Hmmmm.UAE has visionary leaders while in Nigeria we have very greedy leaders

 TILB: So you discover that your wonderful one year old child is because of a mixup at the hospital and not your wife's fault.Would you want to exchange the child to correct the mistake?

 Enoma: Hmmmm....Ofcourse immediately cos I  would also love my biological child and even better

 TILB : What is one thing Lailans would be surprised to know about you?

 Enoma: Lolzzzz.That I'm a very simple and down-to-earth person

 TILB: What is your vision for a perfect Nigeria?

 Enoma: It will take alot of sacrifice from all Nigerians.First of all we have to control our population as we r increasing astronomically.We also need selfless and visionary leaders in all tiers of government

 TILB: On a quick note, how did you discover Lailasblog and  any word for Lailans?

 Enoma: I got to know about lailasblog through a friend. May God bless all Lailans all over the world

 TILB: Thank you for agreeing to do this interview Mr Enoma

 Enoma: Thanks. God bless you

 And that our darling readers concludes our interview for today.Feel free to drop questions on the comment section & Enoma will be right there to answer them.Until we come your way next week, always remember to walk like a star because every Lailan is a celebrity.


from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog
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