A Single Mum Lailan Needs Help to Stop A Man From Taking Away Her Only Child

I have a case at hand now. Help me with solution, I dated this guy for 16 months, I kept turning his proposal down reason I don't knw myself either. I didnt know that it was God trying to warn me. Honestly, I didnt give him full attention or sex though we were dating. I was happy because I really wanted to marry so the stress on my family can be reduced.

Few months after that I missed  my period and when it lingered, I bought strip and i found out I was pregnant for him, Lailans, the day I broke d news to him his countenance changed, I thought the news will make him a happy man. I expected him to scream and shout in joy but the reverse was the case. Honestly, I thought this will hasten his step toward traditional rites but it never did instead, he changed. he stopped taking my calls and whenever I went to his house, He was never at home. One day when I was supposed to register for anti-natal, I went to his house again and told his neighbor my story and begged her to allow me wait for him in their apartment. After pouring out my heart to the neighbors wife, the woman opened up and told me that he dosnt actually live there permanently, that he only brings different girls there for sex and that he lives in another apart of town. I cried myself silly that day. the shame was unbearable. That day was the day I gave up on him. I carried my baby alone and when I was due, I called him, he never picked, sent SMS msg he never replied, I went thru d labour all alone and deliver thru CS.

Two weeks after my delivery he surfaced with cock n bull stories of how he was kidnapped and how he was unconscious. For the first time, I was ashamed that I allowed a man this daft sleep with me talkless of to father my child. i honestly do not believe that he didn't jazz me up because , what he was saying at the hospital didnt make any sense at all, The cheap unintelligent lies,the stench of cigarette, the shabbiness and the irresponsibility made me real sad. I cursed the day i undressed for this man. After ranting without any response from me he dropped N50,000 on my bed and disappeared again

My baby is nine months old now without fatherly love, His mother called me last week Thursday and asked me to send to her my account number that she wants to send money for the upkeep of my child,

My spirit rejected her benevolence cus I felt dt her interest is on my baby boy, I will never give him my child because I was not married to him. I know the woman has an agenda or maybe it's his son dt is brain behind the sudden goodness. What if I had died?

Thank God for my mum who always encouraged me. I felt and my instinct tells me that He ll come after my child later. I need help and emotional support to be able to remain strong. I am just a woman and my family is not rich. My father is late and all my brothers are still not yet fully grownup. Pls I need ur advice on what to do especially legally so that he will never take my child from me. Honestly, we are struggling to get by and some of my friends are telling me that I should not deny my son of having his father around since he wants to make amends. Honestly, The guy is unreliable and I dont want him to traumatize my son with his unreliability. Ever since I had my baby, No man has ever asked me out again talk more of talking marriage. My son is all I have left.

What do you think I should do ?

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog http://ift.tt/224VA8f

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