She Gave Me Anal Sex Because She Wants to Get Married a Virgin

Hello LAila,
Please hide my identity, i am a 2nd year student of Ebonyi state uni. Please i want to know if any one knows the dangers associated with anal sex. Their is this new girl that i am dating and she is a virgin. She is the one who introduced me to having sex through the anus. She said it was because she wants to remain a virgin. We have done it twice. The first time I was skeptical because i ha-vent done anal before. The though of fucking the smelly place was somehow so i was feeling strange and all but it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. My problem started the second time.
Shit was coming out and when i was banging her from the back, I saw shit smeared on my dick and I instantly lost my erection and the smell was disgusting. I just asked her to suck me so i can release. I fell sick 2 days later, I was going to toilet every 2 minutes. I couldn't go for lectures. Anything i ate turns to liquid and will just go straight down to my anus and will pass out like water. I was begging my friend to be helping me draw water from the well as I kept messing up the toilet. The running stomach lasted 5 days and I spent almost all my pocket money on drugs. The chemist guy told me that I have diarrhea and that it was caused by a certain bacteria. I dont know if it was a normal occasional sickness or if i got the bacteria from the anal sex.  i have recovered now and my girl will be coming tomorrow from presco to spend the weekend with me. I dont know what to do. please does any one know if anal sex can cause running stomach or am I just being paranoid.

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog
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