New naked restaurant in Japan bans overweight people and elderly citizens

Welcome the new eatery fashion – naked restaurants. People get naked and go out to eat. However some of these places indeed have very odd policies!

Such eateries open up in many parts of the world. One has been opened in London. It’s a network of such restaurants called “The Amrita”. Interesting enough the name is translated as immortality. And a new one is to be gotten in Japan.

Australian and UK nude eateries are more democratic. They welcome any kind of customers there. However, the Japanese one is a pickier place. Their policies ban people with tattoos, who are overweight or elderly customers from dining there!

Plus this Tokyo place is a stricter one. No fully naked people there, please. You would have to undress and then put on some paper pants to cover up the most private parts of your body.  The waiters are the sight to behold. Only men with perfect bodies are granted the job. They are not nude either and wear small strings.

One can also enjoy the men show at the restaurant while dining there. The age limit for the Japanese naked restaurant is 18 to 60. No youngsters and no old men are welcomed. People dining there have to be pretty fit and not fat.

Before you can book a table there, you have to provide your height and weight data. Then they decide if you are fit enough to come to the place and match its beauty standards.

No use of phones or cameras around the eatery is allowed. And no wonder why. The food is expensive there, but no available tables are left for the upcoming week or two.

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