Meet the Nollywood actress who says if she marries a sex addict, she will be his antidote

Being stuck with a sex addict is something most women dread, so much so, they cringe at the mere thought of it. For simple clarification, a sex addict is someone whose sex drive is at overdrive, obsessive and out of control.

The sexual addiction could involve sex with a partner, but it may also mean activities such as viewing pornography, masturbation, exhibition/voyeurism, visiting prostitutes, using sex chat lines and indulging in other excessive sexual pursuits.

While for most people such habits don’t cause problems, sex addicts are unable to control these urges
and actions which have debilitating effects on them.

In what was a routine opinion sampling, Potpourri asked some actresses what they would do if they  suddenly discovered they have married a sex addict. Spontaneously, many said they would seek for divorce and very few said they would look for solution.

But for sultry Nollywood actress, Ijeoma Imoh, her solution is meeting fire for fire. She said she would accommodate his excesses.
“I’ll be ready to be his antidote” she said smugly. “ Since I wouldn’t want him out there, right? Learn more sexual skills. Be his whore, bitch, prostitute etc. It doesn’t mean he would not look elsewhere but you can only try your best” she added

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