Dad leaves his two toddlers alone for 7 minutes, and you won't believe what happens

Mum was out of the house for a teaching conference and their dad was watching over the kids. He left them alone on their room and seven minutes, just  SEVEN minutes is all it took for the two toddlers to cause absolute carnage with cans of paint left in their room.

Lol. I can so relate to this. Even the dog did not escape. See more photos after the cut

The dad, Paul Schetinni on how it happened said:
'Everything had been going well. The kids were watching a movie and playing while I was in the kitchen. My daughter asked if they could go play in her room.'
But then just seven minutes later Schettini opened the door to find every corner of the bedroom coated in red and green paint.

He said: 'My son, who was previously clothed, was walking towards me in just a diaper and what looks to be war paint.

Fortunately with a little help from the neighbors the dad managed to clean up before his wife got home.

On the bright side, he has some hilarious memories to look back on. In a footage which he shared on Facebook, he said: 'This is a warning for all new parents. Have kids they say, it'll be fun they say.'

Mail Online

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