Blog Reader Ayo Shares His Hilarious Ghost Story

This opinion of this blog reader is purely for laughs 

My Name is Ayo and I am always high on weed. I dont have a job so after job hunting, I spend the rest of the day with Sk. So few days ago I was hanging out alone in a bush smoking some hard weed at around 11pm.
I decided to leave for my house but no taxi on that route at that time of the night, so i started recalling old comedies and started laughing on ma own and i also decided to hitch a ride home if possible. It started raining heavily and suddenly a range rover jeep stopped by my side. I quickly jumped into the passengers side and closed the door then the car started moving, and just when I was about to say thank you to the driver, I discovered there was no one in the car. I started to freak out but was too scared to jump out of a moving vehicle.

When the car got to a bend, a hand came in through the driver's window and turned the steering wheel. This happened twice and on the third time I totally freaked out, jumped out of the car screaming and landed in a ditch full of rain water. I got up and ran for my dear life and entered the nearest bar I found. After downing 4 bottles of Odeku and narrating my ghost story to anyone who cared to listen, three guys just walked into the same bar all drenched in rain water.
One of them pointed at me and said, "isn't that the mad man who entered the car while we were pushing it"?

As I am writing this, I am high so I dont know is this is a true story or the effect of the weed is making me hallucinate. Thank you and please stay away from Ganja

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog
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