She Wants to Pin Another Man's Pregnancy on Me

Hello Laila, A lady got pregnant somwher nd shes tryin to pin it on me,i tried to get away but she wuldnt let me go,she hounds me evrywher i go, nd i knw crystally clear dat i aint responsible for her pregnancy,pls how can i get away from a responsibility that is aint mine,y'all shuld hlp me beat this predicament pls. This babe has slept with about 4 of my guys and she thinks i dont know.
She comes to my house to cry every morning and embarrass and shout at me with her mother. please is their a way to do dna for a baby still in the womb becos am ready but they are threatning to arrest me with massob boys because the girls elder brother is a massob boy. after the embarrassment this morning, i have locked my house and i am at my guys place for the mean time. what should i do. I cant accept a pregnancy that is not mine especially from a girl who shared anyhow.

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog

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