So.... your man tells you he is not planning on having kids or getting married anytime soon as he is still sorting out his life but he is friends with everybody in your family. His mum even calls you "IYAWO MI" and your head is spinning. . he tells you he wants to have his second degree, a proper house and a bigger car first before thinking marriage.... you sit there smiling with just a bachelors degree and a good girl sign board thinking you'll be the wife?
With the little he has, you ask for Brazilian hair and louboutin. Some will not even ask for anything so that they will help him save and so they dont come across as high maintenance chicks... he goes to work and goes straight to class after work. He jumps from one seminar to another..he leaves you in pajamas and finds you in the same pajamas.. while he studies you watch Telamundo, Empire and Nigerian movies .
He comes back home to find chips and chicken in the microwave everyday. he eats well because you are a good cook. Clap for yourself. He retire to bed and you follow him and fuck his brains out. the house is clean and his clothes ironed... the only serious conversation y'all have is about the type of groceries you guys need and when he is coming to see your father. The only real skill you have is cooking,bouncing up and down his dick, washing his cloths, taking selfies and updating your instagram.
The only advice you give him is "babe you need to buy new socks, the ones you bought last time are torn" nothing intelligent comes out of your plans of making your own life better...yes you are doubt about that! is every second girl passing by.
Do you realize something... you not doing anything a maid and a call girl cant do.... hes gonna finish getting his MSC and PHD and the first thing hes gonna do is REPLACE HIS WORN-OUT MAID cause he can now afford to pay a fresh one with proper packaging to match his new stats.
That's when we gonn hear your famous last words "i was with him thru thick and thin when he had nothing, now that he is successful he thinks i am nothing"
Yes your have always been NOTHING but a maid to him. . .
Empower yourself to be the woman your man wants now and would want to be with in the nearest future.. UPGRADE is the key.. Further your education, Learn a skill, Open a business...Every man wants a woman who would be able to carry the whole family if anything happens to his job or his health!!
Stop giving a boyfriend or fiance the benefits of a husband or you will end up empty and heart broken !!!
May God guide your path as you make the necessary changes!!!
from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog
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