About our husbands cheating on us: having children outside matrimony and even threatening to bring home another woman.
Don't break your head about it. It hurts, I know. Especially if you really love him. Keep calm. Use your God's given authority. Trust me, even general overseers cheat on their wives. Don't you ever, allow one miserable girl determine the course of your marriage.
Let me share what happened to a dear Christian lady who married her husband before she got saved.
She was happily married with 4kids. 2 males and 2 females. The man worked (I don't know if he still works with Shell now). They were doing well, until the man started keeping unusual late nights.
Every man (unsaved) keeps late nights, but this one was unusual. Then the man started sleeping out. She never confronted him. She knew someone was playing some sweet music outside, and he was dancing, she tried playing gospel music, I didn't work.
It went on for long. She kept praying for her husband to get tired of that one, just like every other one and return home. For where? Then he started spending weekends outside. Okay, this was getting serious. She couldn't talk, because she's only a house wife and her kids were Still small.
The man had rented a two bedroom apartment in a choice area, furnished it to taste for his mistress. He had proposed to her and she had accepted. The mistress had informed her parents that she was bringing a suitor home very soon, so her family was prepared and waiting.
Everyday after work, he will go over there first, eat well, relax with her before reluctantly going home if he felt like it. When he gets home, is to undress, hit the bed and sleep off. He doesn't eat his wife's food anymore. Doesn't touch his wife. No conversation. One night the wife confronted him, he opened up and told the wife that he was marrying a second wife. A second wife in this modern generation.
He informed her of the already traditional marriage arraignment that was ongoing. It is customary in their culture that if your husband decides to take another wife, you as the first wife must be actively involved in bringing her home. You must attend the marriage well dressed and happy, dancing alongside your husband to show that you are not against the new wife coming into your home.
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When her husband informed her to be ready. She didn't say a word. The next day she went to church. Stayed there all through praying. A brother saw her downcast and asked what the problem was, she opened up and told him. He on the other hand, jokingly told her to go to the market and buy beautiful see-through night gowns. Always bath at night. Buy a good body spray. Shave yourself. And make yourself attractive. But don't go to him. Just sleep by him. Never ask him anything about anything. Let him sleep.
When he sleeps off, make sure he doesn't catch you. Open your Bible to the passage that says, "the body of the man belongs to his wife, and the body of the woman belongs to her husband". Face it towards his male organ and command that his male organ never rises with another woman, except his wife. Speak in your mind, no one shd hear you.
Speak to the thing and say, if it's not my body, SLEEP No matter what another woman does, SLEEP.
She went home. In the evening, the man came home tired from work and from work.
The man hardly spoke a word to her. He hit the bed and passed out. Far into the night, she got up and quietly did as she was told. But the man went on doing his thing as if what she was doing never had any effect. But she kept on doing it anytime the man felt like returning to her.
One night, he came home quite early. And immediately he got home, undressed and wanted his wife. Hmm, after how many months? She let him, no questions asked.
The next day the same thing. He was apprehensive and excited, like He was worried about something. The third day he couldn't hold it anymore, he told his wife: "that girl is a witch. Can you imagine, I have been trying for the passed three days to meet with her, but my body won't rise?"
He accused her of wanting to break his marriage, and make him impotent. "Can you imagine, for three days now, every evening, I have been trying to meet with her, but I couldn't get it up, but when I got here, with you, am okay. Three good night's. That girl has been using means all along to keep me from my lovely wife and family," he told his wife.
The man went and confronted her and called her all sorts of names. Called her father and canceled the marriage. Stopped going to her. Instead of traditional marriage, it was marriage renewal with his wife.
When his wife opened up and told him what she had done, the man was scared that God could do a thing like that. He said, he wanted to experience that God personally. He followed his wife to Church. Gave his life to Christ and finally, they renewed their vows.
When I listened to this Testimony which by the way, was given by the husband, at first I laughed, but again, the woman had her husband back.
This woman had her husband back because she submitted to her God by submitting to her husband. If she had thrown caution to the wind and gone on to fight her husband or that girl, she would have been sharing her husband by now, which of course we know that her husband would have left her.
Wives submit to your own husbands as unto Christ.
Husband's love your wives and cherish her as you would your body. Ephe 5:21-22.
May we receive Grace to submit one to another to the glory and praise of God.
narrated by Analice
from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog http://ift.tt/1qt8VuR
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