Hottest TILB Reader Reveals How We All Got It Wrong

Ever wondered why some prayers are not answered ? Especially when you are expecting from GOD ?
let me analyse it this way...
Take your bank for instance,there is a long standing belief that money and other valuables are kept away in the bank for safe keeping, which cant be far from the truth..
Now, you keep your billions in the bank..what do u do ? you go about your daily biz with perfect rest of mind that your money is in a safe place..which it is...ur money can be there for years very safe still..and you are not bothered..why? bcos you trust the bank 100%...good...

You dont bombard your bank with calls everyday asking if the money you kept in their custody is still safe ?, asking if your money is still intact...wanting to know the condition of your don't, bcos you totally believe absolutely there is no cause for unnecessary alarm...
Why then do we place our lives and properties in GOD's hands but we are not fully trusting that HE is able to secure our lives and properties instead we bombard him with prayer repetition..asking him to do the same thing every morning and night for 365 days..

i thought when we pray in JESUS name, it is done( mark 11 vs 20-24) can vividly see that Faith is a playing factor which is lacking in most of us..instead of believing the "now" prayer is answered, we keep rewinding and rewinding asking for the same thing we already prayered for in "JESUS name" for the rest of our lives...

lets learn to pray once, listen and wait on HIM.. with absolute, aggressive faith works...i can testify..

By the way,
Its still me
the hottest lailan ever liveth
Have a nice day

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog

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