TILB: Uncle Lets meet you
UNCLE BABS: my name is Chinedu Akanegbu. I am from Anambra State. I am from a family of 7. I am a geologist but I work in an oil and gas firm in Port Harcourt. I am a very simple person

TILB: What informed the name uncle babs
Uncle BABS: it’s actually a merited nickname cos I have over 16 nieces of nephews so it’s always raining uncles everywhere AROUND ME

TILB: how did you join Lailasblog?
UNCLE BABS: I have been on Lailasblog for ages. Cant really pinpoint when I joined officially but i have always known Laila from way back in FUTO. I think she was 2 sets ahead. Anyway I have been on the blog since God knows when, I only decided to get a blog ID a while back so I can start commenting

TILB: Are you single, Married and engaged
UNCLE BABS: i am not single and i am in a relationship.

TILB: If you were not in Oil and Gas, What would you be doing now?
UNCLE BABS: The honest truth is that I will be a Chef. I love cooking. As a matter of fact, When I retire, I will go into that fully. I will have my own farm and become a chef.  Its something I have a passion for. Its an art that I love so much. I cook very well

TILB: Wow, You guys in Port Harcourt love farms, My angel, Queeneth London is also Port Harcourt based and she owns a mushroom farm.
UNCLE BABS: Wow. That’s Nice, I may meet her sometime and patronize her. I have never eaten mushroom before but who knows. I may try it out

TILB:  Whats your candid opinion of the feminist and gender equality movement
UNCLE BABS: (In a solemn voice) This is a very sour topic. My opinion may even get me heavy backlash from blog readers but the truth is that thing are no longer what they used to be. Things has changed. Charly boy said that very soon the marriage institution may become obsolete with the way things are going south and I agree with a heavy heart. Few days ago, I was actually discussing with a female colleague at the office and the discourse was about a working class couple who got home and the husband was hungry. The lady I was discussing with told me if that if her husband is hungry he should go to the kitchen and fix himself a hot plate. It was sad. I kept wondering how we got to this. Back in the days, There was so much joy in being a woman. The ladies derived so much happiness in being care givers and in taking care of their men at least in the home front. I remember way back, my mum was running a very big super market but she know the time my dad will come home so she will always rush home to welcome him and make his bath and his food. She wouldn’t allow anyone to feed her husband. It was a thing of joy for real women to see their man savoring their dish. The joy on her face when my daddy compliments her efforts is priceless. Women used to derive pleasure in cooking for their men. I don’t know what happened to women of these days. It really breaks my heart. Honestly this question is actually about to make me very sad. Look at Tiwa Savage. Yes, you are a super star and you work hard but at least when you  get home, you shouldn’t  throw away the woman-ness and the motherliness in you. Yes you went for shows and meetings and you are worn out, its understandable. Even if you wont cook, at least say something, at least sooth him. ask your man if he has eaten, call the cook to fix him something. That’s what real women do. Pet him. Just make an attempt no matter how little, whether its verbal or by action. Your coming home should be to bring home comfort. Your husband should feel a sort of relief when you arrive. Not just coming home to relax without even making an attempt no matter how little. That’s what women are hot wired naturally to do. That’s the essence of motherhood. It really brings tears to my eyes when I see what women of these days has reduced themselves to. It’s a very big shame. Left for me, I can cook my own food, I can even make my woman breakfast in bed but it’s a woman’s thing to at least try no matter how little, say something even if you are tired. Something like honey, I am so tired and I know you are hungry. I feel terrible and stuff. Men like me will even ask you to chill and with a free mind I can go make food for both of us but when you walk home and say hi to your man and then walk straight to your room. That’s cold. That’s unfeminine; there is nothing remotely female about that. I don’t want to talk about this anymore because I am quite emotional and this is about gingering me. That why I always prayed that God gives me an understanding woman who has that natural instincts of a woman. Its scary. Thank God for what I have but honestly, its scary what happening out there

TILB:  I am quite scared too
UNCLE BABS: worse is that once a guy reminds them of basic things like this they will gang up and pounce on you as if you have said something that is equal to hell. Its really scary. I have just been praying that God guide every mans step in marriage because with what I see especially on social media these days, there is no hope. Bro, lets move to other things. I am feeling sad already

TILB:  What are your core values
UNCLE BABS: I am a very simple easy going person and I am not rigid. I take every body’s opinion into consideration.

TILB: What are your legacies
UNCLE BABS: I have a foundation. Its called uncle babsfoundation. We assist people who are in need. We are planning to open an orphanage. 2 years ago, Laila helped me promote the case of Tochi, the lady with renal failure who needs 7 million. Honestly Laila is a very good person and God will bless her. My foundation forwarded her case to many blogs and media houses and it was only Laila and Bella Naija that published it. The other bloggers refused. I even offered to pay as a sponsored post but the price they were asking for was outrageous. That’s why Laila is different. Do you know she even called the sick girl to assist personally and to pray for her and encourage her. Its amazing
TILB: What would you not forgive a wife?
UNCLE BABS: When she sleeps outside. Erhmm, anyway, love for a wife should be unconditional. I will ask my self is I have been faithful and if I have then, Gush, Ask another question. Wife , Arhhh…this is very difficult. Wife is a serious issue.

TILB: Ok would you forgive a cheating girlfriend
UNCLE BABS: then its very easy. She has to go mehn

TILB: Have you ever broken any heart
UNCLE BABS: erhmm it depends on what you deem as heart break.

TILB: has any lady ever cried emotionally because of you
UNCLE BABS: Ok there is this thing with me. Girls seem to always want me.  I always get numerous advances from ladies even from way back in school. 
In school, I was very selective and all the ladies cant have me. I even started dating by 4thyear. I was very popular as SUG director of socials and any girl that comes to me never wants to leave so I am very careful. So if refusing advances of numerous girl is also heart breaking then I want to use this medium to apologize. It wasn’t intentional.

TILB: Most embarrassing moment
UNCLE BABS: When I finished school. My elder brother got me a job interview with a multi national airline. As a sharp intelligent  guy, I went to write with so much confidence only for me to get to the exam hall to find that the exam was actually a secondary school equation which I have forgotten the formulas. After the exam, I was 19th out of 20. It was the most embarrassing moment in my life especially when I had to face my brother to tell him my score

TILB: Which blog readers do you admire
UNCLE BABS: Anwuli Oputa. She is so calm and likeable and then I enjoy Wilhelmina. She get mind but my issue is that she is faceless. I have tried looking for her on facebook and instagram but she is faceless. Such people who have guts on line no dey get liver for real life so I want her to come out of her shell lets know who she is. I am even suggesting she gets on the hot seat.
Anyway I am sending a shout out to Anwuli and Willy.

TILB: where will you be in 5 years
UNCLE BABS: I will be married with kids, I will be working in my own firm. I wont be working for anybody by then

TILB: For a wife, Character, Hot body, Rich family
UNCLE BABS: way back, when you want to get married, your parents will ask, Is she well behaved? But these days, what your parents will ask is Hope she has a job. That’s the reality today but for me its character first

TILB: Since marriage is in the horizon. What is your ideal woman
UNCLE BABS:  God fearing, honest and Respectful

TILB: Can you be faithful to one woman
UNCLE BABS:Yes,its actually what I do. Its very easy and I don’t cheat. I am actually seeing someone and I have never and will never cheat

TILB: Any last word
UNCLE BABS: The sick girl Tochi needs us now more than ever.  I am using this opportunity to tell people that Tochi is in India now and she has ran out of money. When she got to India, It was discorvered that she wasn’t managed carefully in Nigeria so she got infected in the country before she travelled. Please I am still begging people to please help save her life. She has been in India for over a year now and is helpless because of funds.

To my fellow Lailans, I love you all. 


“Hello friends.
I want to thank everyone for the assistance you all have given me (LAILASBLOG READERS AND BELLA NAIJA READERS).I left Nigeria very happy thinking all my problem is over but its heart breaking that I have been in India for about 6 months and still undergoing dialysis due to infections i received while i was being treated in Nigeria.I have finished the money i have for the main transplant.

Plz I’m sorry and ashamed to disturb you people again, but plz i need a lil assistance yet again from you people. My family has depleted all they have on me. God bless my mother for me. She has put her life to a stop just to take care of me;
Plz publicize my message and share the link to the social media.Governor of imo state,Governor of Abia state plz help me.i am your daughter.i don’t want to die


You can contact me directly with  +918375893985

Here are the bank account details: (belongs to my mother):
For more information you can cal me on +917042843170

Add me and facebook: Tochi Mbonu

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog

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