Hey guys, a happy new week and month to you and yours. Welcome to another episode of Hot Seat Mondays !!!

Today we have with us a wonderful Lailan, who although just joined this family, has been an exciting part of the family.. Today's HSM is also special because our guest is celebrating her birthday today.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to welcome Lailan, EA EVENTS on our hot seat!

TILB: Hello dear, welcome to the HSM

EA: Hallos, LAILA, TILB, and my awesome LAILANS!

TILB: So, you're known on Lailas Blog as EA events. I'm sure everyone would love to know your
real name

EA: OK, my name is OLUWA KEMI a Typical OMO ONDO!

TILB: Laughs.. I like how you probably identify yourself as OMO ONDO... Quite patriotic

EA: Yep! Am a typical yoruba woman

TILB: Great.. I love it.. So kindly tell us that one unique thing about the Ondo people

EA: Hehehehehehehe! We are very accommodating, very intelligent and hard working, And we hate cheats an we are very stubborn! Lol

TILB: Wonderful... So Kemi, please tell us more "very stubborn" self... Lol

EA: Lol! I get very stubborn, when I know am on my right and I am trying to prove a point, and I am a very principled person and  has I said earlier I hate Cheats.

TILB: Yeah, I "hate" cheats too.. So, what do you think should be the approprite punishment for cheats

EA: It depends on the kind of crime committed, is it stealing , fraudulent acts, cheating on your spouse or love ones? It depends

TILB: Let's go with virtually the most popular one - cheating on your spouse

EA: Lol, I know you would go there. I keep telling people if you can't stand a cheating partner please take a walk. I can't live with drama Abeg... We call them the OLOJUKOKORO partners.

TILB: Laughs.. I can see that you've got a good sense of humour also, aside the stubbornness

EA: Yes ooo! I can be very funny at the same time very strict, I love entertaining people around me. Even my clients. TILB dis one u just emphasizing on this stubbornness self! Toh! Lol

TILB: Lol... Don't mind me, just trying to be naughty.. Anyways, tell us more about EA events, the company.. What is it about?

EA: Naaaaaa,its allowed jare.. About EA events and services; We plan events from the scratch, provide vendors that work with our clients budget, we provide a complete coordinating team which comprises of Hostess, Host, Coordinators, Bouncers, Surveillance and supervisors, We also cater Food and desserts for events. And also decorate events

TILB: Amazing... So how long have you been in the business?

EA: Close to 5years

TILB: Wow !!! That's an impressive number of years... Kudos dear

EA: Thanks you, God have been faithful and merciful

TILB: You're very much welcome.. Yeah, God is wonderful. So, as a young entrepreneur and an obviously successful one, what would your advice be to young struggling entrepreneurs and upcoming ones?

EA: My advise to the young struggling and upcoming entrepreneurs is that no matter what they are going through they should hang in there, they should have a strong passion for what they do, start small so you would know the value of your business, work very hard, serve God with your  whole heart, and please pay your tithe and do a lot charity which I do a lot.. And it's working for me

TILB: Wow.. Wise words.. You just blessed me with these words.. Thank you so much

EA: You welcome, I try my best to inspire people especially the youths and young entrepreneurs

TILB: That's beautiful.. So, let's talk about you some more.. Are you single or in a relationship?

EA: In a relationship

TILB: Love at first sight?

EA: Nope.. I would say attraction at first sight.. Lol

TILB: fair enough...lolz...Most embarrassing moment

EA: Ahahahahahahah! That's when I was still schooling in Unilag, it happened on a Sunday on my way to church on campus, a friend wanted to give me a lift and my wig got hooked to d door of the car and instead of opening the door to take out the wig, I was dragging the wig with the door which was closed and my friend which is a guy was just staring in shock! I can't forget Never! LMAO!

TILB: Laughs !!!... Women and wigs, you can never separate them...lolz.. So what did you study in school

EA: Yes ooo! I love wigs a lot.... Business administration

TILB: Nice.. Worst fear?

EA: Not able to help people when they need my help, especially the less privileged

TILB: Favourite food and color

EA: Favorite food is Amala, ewedu, with ogufe and smoked fish.
Color: Red and white

TILB: Hmmm, original yoruba girl... Lol.. So how do you relax and where's your favourite spot?

EA: Yes ooo, I don't play with my amala.. I love going to the beach, resorts but my best is Lounges especially with a love one, listen to classics, discuss on how wonderful God is.
And gossips�.. I also love to see movies too.

  • TILB: Nice.. So if you were to pick three Lailans for a nice time at the beach, lounge and movies, who will they be?

EA: THE STONE!!!!!!, Esther Imaku and Bamidele.. Please let me also add Mira nd Bonita as the two wild cards.. *big grin*.. And also Willy to spice up the day, that babe can find No dulling

  • TILB: Lol, you're allowed, cos today is your birthday... Happy birthday dear once again.. So tell us what you're  most thankful for?

EA: Thank you *shines teeth*. I am thanking God for long life, Good health. Making me a more patience, tolerating, caring woman and also a cheerful giver. And above all God's grace

  • TILB: Wow, that's beautiful... Glory be to Him forever... So, you blow out the candle on the birthday cake and you make a wish... What would it (they) be?

EA: To be one of the wealthiest women on earth so that I can feed, cloth and shelter the poor world wide to prove that God still knock on people's doors

TILB: May He make your wish come through... So your last word for Lailans

EA: Amen.

Lailians should learn to be more accommodating, be careful of words we throw at people, love God and serve God so that God would work for you,        fill your inner Man with christ so that light would shine out of you, be hardworking and be positive in life. Say No to the devil.  I Love you all dearly. Mwuaaaaaaaah!

TILB: We love you too dear.. Thank you so much for your time and have a fabulous birthday.. Cheers

EA: Thank you, stay blessed

So guys, there you have it.. Kemi is such a delight as evidenced in our discussions and we wish her a hearty cheerful birthday celebrations today.. Please do not fail to wish her a happy birthday too... Remember, every Lailan is a celebrity, that's why it gives us joy to celebrate you every monday... Stay glued to LailasBlog dearies, till another exciting HSM comes you again, next week.. Cheers

PS - if you desire a top notch event management service, then you need to contact EA EVENTS & SERVICES.. They will surely bring your ideas and dreams to life..

Whatsapp: 08074041168
Instagram: @EstherAbosede


Words alone are not enough to express how happy I am you are celebrating another year of your life in such great health, with so much achievement! You have touched readers' lives since you joined the house and made it public. My wish for you today is that you are, and will always be, happy and lovely! Don’t ever change.

You are blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come! Happy birthday, Kemi!

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog
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