Confused Lailan says boyfriend is deeply hurt after hearing about her ex-boyfriend

I received this mail from one of us as early as 3:35am this morning. So, obviously, she couldn't sleep all through the night because of this problem. Please give her your best advice.
Hello Laila, please post this as anonymous. 
I have a friend who is in a confused state right now. She's dating a guy that she's crazily in love with and she knows he loves her too.. The problem right now is, she once had a brief affair with a guy years ago and this her recent boyfriend heard about the relationship.
The guy is deeply hurt because of what might have transpired between she and that other guy and she has no idea what to do or how to help her guy get past the pain. 
The problem now is she's scared if keeping the relationship will not have adverse effect in their future together.
Please advise...

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