2 Weeks After Our Wedding, My Husband Wants Me To Change My Sim Card

Hello Aunty Laila,
I wedded 2 weeks ago and we left for Ghana for our honey moon. It was blissful and I had a swell time. W came back to Lagos Sunday evening and since then, Something bad is happening in our house. My hubby brought out a new etisalat sim card and asked that i discard my old sim and start using the new one and that he is advising that i stay off social media because he intends to make sure that our marriage works in this era of broken marriages. 

Initially, I thought he was joking but he was serious. He told me pointblank that the change of sim is not optional but a command but that the issue of social media is left for me but that he will advise me to use only whatsapp and stay away from Facebook and other sites. He said that he wants a new beginning for me and wouldn't want any of my ex or anything from my past to come and destroy our marriage citing stories of how his friends marriaged crashed because his wife's ex started calling his wife in the middle of the night while they were sleeping. I couldn't believe my ears. he was just talking to ma as if i was a toddler who dosnt know her left from right. I just kept quite so that peace will reign. He wnt on to narrate how some bitter single women who no man wants gang up under the toga of feminism and gender equality to corrupt newly married women on social media especially Facebook.

I am still dumbfounded. I collected the sim from him and i am actually browsing with it now but this whole thing dosnt feel right even though he has a point but i was really humiliated. I kept quite so I dont start my marriage with argument or possibly a fight because he told me pump and plain that the issue of changing sim card is non negotiable and i know him. he can be temperamental when issue of man woman supremacy comes up. I dont know how to handle this situation. What do you think I should do?

I dont know what history you have with him or if you have ever given him reasons to believe that you need to be guided. Please call him when he is relaxed and in a good mood and in a very mild tone, explain your situation to him and how his decision may have come across as being authoritarian and make him know that his action shows mistrust of your position as an discerning adult and a faithful wife. If he insist, Please do what he said. Its too early for drama.

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog http://ift.tt/1TC4Fkb
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