This Sad TILB Nursing Mum is About to Break Down. Pls Help

Pls help me digest and post this but hide my ID pls,
As a hard working wife I ve paid my dues to please my husband. But he still shows me "I don't care attitude". As a nursing mother I virtually does all the house chores, Nurse the baby,cook all the "cookables " and still warm his bed almost every night and while he snore away, I will still stay awake for the baby and to wake my toddler up to pee so he doesn't wet the bed.
Yet he feels that its my duty without a nanny or house help, I have begged him to allow me get my younger sister who is in primary school to stay with us so she can be assisting me but he refused. I even asked him to get his own relation or hire a nanny to help me because the 3 kids are becoming a handful and I am slowly getting stressed out. He said that i am not working and that its laziness for me to be complaining. He will always use his mother as an example. Always telling stupid tales of how his mother raise 13 kids without a maid and still farm and pound cassava. I am not his mama for Gods sake and I am nearing my breaking point. Even when the baby keeps awake,to help me carry her,He ll tell me thus "woman take care of ur baby pls don't disturb my sleep oooo"
How can he be so callous n insensitive to my plight except when he want sex he play nice hubby, Is it in their DNA to torture their wives? Mine is so cruel and nonchalant
Pls Lailans, What do I do to this situation of mine to get better, I need help. I need advise on how to cope with this situation. He insists that I wont work until we finish making babies and the last Child is at least 5 then I can work. If I had my own money, I would have bought at least a washing machine to help ease my pain but I am helpless. The last time I begged my mum for money and she gave me 50k, My hubby got mad and accused me of insulting me. That he provides for me every necessary thing and that anything he didnt provide are luxuries that I dont need else they make me lazy or become a housewife gossip and start mingling with neighbourhood no good women. He sees me as a child who needs guidance else I derail. I am suffering. Na so marriage be?

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