This is Totally Not Right, Nigerian Police Force!

Please read the email a blog reader sent in:
Good Day Laila. Hope you are doing well? 

I am sending this to you from Port Harcourt and would love it if you can help bring awareness to what is currently happening. As you might be aware, the Nigerian Police Force has made it mandatory to have all tinted glass permits renewed on or before the 18th of march 2016. I do not have any issue with this at all. 
My grouse is the nonchalance of the police officers in charge of collecting the applications from the general public. In Port Harcourt police command, (where the applications are sent) they only collect 50 applications a day and tell people to return the next day once the 50 applications are collected for the day. 
This has made the process tedious and the crowd of people applying keeps growing by the day. My fear is that the police is stalling for time so that they can take advantage of the citizenry once the deadline is reached. 
We all know how corrupt and unprofessional the NPF is most times. Please help me get this message out to the public until it gets to the ears of the powers that be i.e. the A.I.G and the state police commissioner for Rivers State. Let us try and stop the expected exploitation from some of the unscrupulous officers that will take advantage of the situation that their colleagues are now causing. 
I suggest that they increase the collection points of the applications to more police stations or better still, make it an online process whereby the application is done completely online and you are then invited for verification. 
Thank you so much for your anticipated help.

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from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog

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