Kimberly: Hello hon, How are you doing
TILB: I am feeling good. How are you celebrating Easter?
Kimberly: Its boring for now though I have a few weddings to attend but its from Tuesday. Am just sitting home watching movies
TILB: Tell us who Kimberly really is
Kimberly: My name is Kimberly Egbo. I am from Onicha Ugbo in Delta State but I grew up in Scotland. My mum is from Trinidad. I am a single mum. I have an MSc in Economics and a degree in Accountancy. I work with an oil servicing company and I also run a Spa and a boutique by the side. Thats me in a nut shell
TILB: Thats quite impressive
Kimberly: Dont flatter me, you can tell that to my Dad
TILB: He thinks otherwise?
Kimberly: (Laughs) My dad thinks that I am underachieving. You wont blame him though. He became a professor at 34 so he dosnt understand why we couldn't beat that. Its difficult not to get intimidated by his pedestal. i only try my best.
TILB: You are a very beautiful woman, Whats the secret
Kimberly: (Laughs) Thank you. I am flattered. Well, I have a mixed ancestry and both my parents are very fine people so genes play a big role. I also have made a habit of trying my possible best to live a stress free life. I avoid anything that stresses me no matter the value. I jog and squat every morning and I spend some time at the gym too. I try to get enough sleep and I eat healthy. I detox once a week and exfoliate twice a month.
.TILB: How do you define happiness?
Kimberly: Happiness is having more than you can spend in sound body and mind
TILB: Relationship Status
Kimberly: I am in a relationship
TILB: So who is the lucky guy? Is it derrick?
Kimberly: (Laughs) No ooo. Leave derrick out of this. I am actually in a relationship with my daughter (Laughs)
TILB: So that means that you are single?
Kimberly: I dont know... I am in a relationship with my daughter, she is the love of my life
TILB: Well, Thats good to hear. Infact thats the best thing I have heard since Buhari came to power, so I would like to inform you that I am also single and I feel like mingling
Kimberly: (Laughs) With who?
TILB: With You
Kimberly: (Laughs) Na so you dey take do your own? TILB 2, you no well. I thought it was Joy and Anwuli before.
TILB: Old things has passed away, Now, I am positive that we are meant to be together.
Kimberly: (Laughs) Chai. TILB 2. Laila didnt tell me that it will be an end time interview.
TILB: (Laughs) Ok maybe we will talk about that later, I hear that sweet women love discussing family affairs in secret
Kimberly: TILB2. You are a clown, Which family affair?
TILB: See Kim, You wont understand, I am revealing to you the thing yet unknown that will come to pass
Kimberly: (Laughs) This is serious.
TILB: Anyway we will conclude this off air so all those amebo blog readers wont try to come in and truncate our love
Kimberly: Love already? haba. you are something else (laughs)
TILB: So Kim tell us about your most embarrassing moment
Kimberly: (Laughs) ok. it happened last year April. I attended a conference at, Malabo and we were lodged at the Sofitel sopipo. There was this guy that was all over me at the lounge, asking me out and i wasnt feeling him so i told him i wasn't down with the game he had on, He persisted and was distracting me and I had a lot on my mind so I had to insult him so he could get angry and leave me in peace. I threw my drink on him. he just said thank you and left. The next day, At the conference, I found out that the same guy I bath with drinks the other day was indeed the CEO of Basalt, the same company i was meant to deliver my proposal to. I had to go begging that evening. You need to see this guy forming and feeling himself. He cancelled 3 different appointments and When i saw him at the golf course 2 days later, I felt that was my opportunity. I walked down to him and started apologizing and this guy embarrassed the living day light out of me. He was like do I know you? Please i am a married man and his colleagues busted out laughing. Hot tears rolled down my face. He laughed me silly and later apologized saying that he is only feeding me my own pie. I felt so embarrassed but we are great pals now. Hmm, it wasnt funny at all.
TILB: That must have been heart rending
Kimberly: yeah, I felt very bad but it was a life changing experience
TILB: What did you pick up from the experience
Kimberly: I dont look down on people any more.
TILB: If you were to be stranded with me, alone in an island. What 3 thing would you need
Kimberly: (Laughs) Me and you stranded in an island? TILB 2 so you want us to be stranded in an island?
TILB: Erhmm, You know, anything is possible
Kimberly: (Laughs) You wish, All i will be needing is paper spray so I can reset your brain if you do any how. Thats all I need.
TILB: Ok seriously, Without me what would you need
Kimberly: mmmmm, I will need food and water, a gun and a raft
TILB: Money, good looks or love
Kimberly: love and money are actually in a holy matrimony. They are both necessary
TILB: Whats the craziest thing you have ever done
Kimberly: mmmmmm, i have done a lot of crazy things. I dont know which is the craziest
.TILB: Ok tell me the one that got you in trouble
Kimberly: there was this time, ok that was around 2003, I was in Norway and my boyfriend then suggested that we go camping so we could have time for our selves alone so I lied to my Cousins that I was going on a school excursion. My boyfriend got a car and some supplies from their house and we drove away. My boyfriend claimed he had a compass but i later realized that he dosnt even know how to use it. We found a plain field and we decided to camp there so we parked and it was below freezing. We were drinking and so we decided to set a fire so we could get some warmth. when we couldnt find wood, we burnt our spare tyre and the smoke was massive. Soon enough, We spotted a car at the other end. Before we could say jack, we were surrounded by park rangers. The arrested us and put off the fire. It was only at the sherrifs office that We realized the gravity of what we did. The open field where we camped was actually a frozen lake with dangerous animals swimming just a few feet below us and we didnt know. If the flame of our bonfire was not spotted, we would have ended up heating up and cracking the ice and drowning in the lake. That was the last straw for me, I dumped him and went back to Dundee at the end of the year.
TILB: Wow, That was close
Kimberly: (laughs) yeah it was
TILB: Whats your selling point?
Kimberly: My boobs
TILB: How old will you be in 5 years time
Kimberly: TILB, You are not a gentle man oooo. what are you doing with my age again
TILB: Its the hot seat remember
Kimberly: Ok, I am above 25 and below 30
TILB: How do you relax.
Kimberly: I relax by swimming and diving. I also love walking around the house naked
TILB: Wow, Can I come live with You?
Kimberly: (Laughs) Only if I confirm that you are gay.
TILB: I am gay, I swear. i have been gay for a long time
Kimberly: (Looooooooong laugh) You need jesus
TILB: Whats your ideal man
Kimberly: My ideal man must be faithful, Must be hardworking. I am fairly ok so I wouldnt want to intimidate anybody into behaving somehow around me. I love confident men
TILB: Do you have any regrets?
Kimberly: Yeah but I'd rather keep that to my self
TILB: Any weakness??
Kimberly: yeah, i love travelling and exploring new places. I actually want to visit Thailand before the year runs out. I also love tattoos
TILB: Wow, how many have you got?
Kimberly: 4
TILB: Can you show me?
Kimberly: (Laughs) Maybe when we get to that island where we will be stranded, I wills how you.
TILB: Where do you see yourself in 5 years
Kimberly: I would want have a PH.d. Get married and have a truck load of babies. I also want to have a place on Virgin galactic. I have always fantasized about being in space to experience zero gravity. its something I wish to do someday
TILB: What do you love about Lailasblog
Kimberly: I love Lailas blog because of the way readers are celebrated there. Its actually the most reader friendly blog in Nigerian blogosphere. it is also not as bitter as some other blogs where there is so much hate and rudeness going down
TILB: Do you have any blog crush
Kimberly: I like Derrick to I havnt met him. I like Anwuli Oputa too
TILB: Any last word for Lailans
Kimberly: Let love lead. For those nice lailans, I love you all and for Those of you hating on me with anon for no just cause, go get laid
from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog
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