Following the conviction of Ibinabo Fiberesima, A lot of celebrities has made a case for her.
They believe that rather than imprison her, she should be made to cater for the needs of the Dr. Suraj Giwa's Family who died 10 years ago in an auto crash involving Ibinabo.
However, a lot people also believe that she deserves what she got and should pay for her crime.
Actress, Grace Amah has joined other celebrities pleading for the forgiveness of Ibinabo
Read what she wrote below
Those who want Ibinabo in jail are those who have been dwarfed by her intimidating credentials and humanitarian services. It may be argued that the law has taken its course, yes. So it seems, but that is the law of man. Daniel was put in prison as recorded in the Scripture bcos King Darius was convinced that he should be put to death. God visited Daniel in prison and released him. Peter was put into prison by Herod and was bound in between by two soldiers, and behold an Angel of the Lord appeared and struck the cell with lightening and the chains on him fell and he was released. All this indicates that the law of God is more and stronger than the law of man. The family of Dr. Suraj may have got reprieve by the judgement of the Court, but better reprieve will be that of peace between Ibinabo and Suraj family.
What was needed ab initio was an understanding where Mrs Ibinabo takes over some responsibilities for the family of the deceased through providing resources or scholarship for one or two children of the deceased and some form help to the widow. That is still an opening that could be accessed. Even 5 years imprisonment can never bring back the deceased. The civil law may have be fulfilled but by the judgement and imprisonment of Ibinabo, but in our human relations, there remains a permanent emotional and psychological scar. What is the way forward; let the family of Dr. Suraj find reason to go further than legal satisfaction.
It is Ibinabo Fiberesima today, who knows the next tomorrow? Let us note also that as celebrities we have to be very careful and learn from this because It shows also that the law neither respect persons nor status and perhaps Nigeria is becoming a nation where people still have hope in the legal process to obtain justice no matter how long. This matter is certainly beyond politics of AGN and personality conflict #ISTAND4IB #PRAY4IB #PRAY4GIWASFAMILY #GODBLESSNIGERIA
from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog
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