And It's Time to Reach Out and Bless a Fellow Reader

Time to REACH OUT and bless a fellow reader, Time to be our brother's keeper... Time to bless the new week of that reader of your choice.

Trust me, prayers go a long a way, especially prayers for someone. It shows selflessness and love and we need a lot of love in our world today. Today where evil takes the very fore, love is the only medicine we need to defeat this.

I am reaching out to you all, my beloved Lailans. To you and all your loved ones. My prayer is that true love, unquantifiable finances, Inner peace, Sound body and mind will locate you from this day till for ever.

Wilheminna dear. I've tried calling your phone number several times, says switched off. Hope you
are okay? I spoke with you today, Team Laila. Our baby is doing great, I couldn't be more glad.

Lizzy, hope you finished with your laundry on time? *winks* Austin was hard at work at his office when I spoke with him today. It's well, my dear.

Stan dearest, thank you so much for the Happy Mothers' Day greeting. You asked me to tell you whatever it is you can do for me right now. Made me feel so special! I really appreciate. Chidinma Igobokweuche, thanks too hun.

Rosemary, can you send me your phone number? via email. Same goes out to every Lailan that has never sent me their phone numbers before. Let's get to know ourselves outside here. Ok? Send them to

Here is our deal with God for this week - We will all go out in joy tomorrow morning, and He will lead us forth in peace. I wish you all a Happy Week Ahead!!!

Who are you reaching out to tonight, guys?

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