I went to our family doctor whom I confided in,I told him my intention to flush out the pregnancy and he obliged. After the procedure, I felt releived believing i have saved my husband the stress of being part of this horrible procedure and then my suckling baby would quit being sick all the time, Surprisedly the doctor alerted my husband over my confidential visit, As you're reading this post now am in my father's house.
My husband sent me home claiming that I am not faithful to him, that d baby I wanted to abort is not his that's why I went behind him to flush it out without telling him, I don't know how I ll justify myself against his claim n allegations cus my actions speak itself, Am faithful to the core just that a friend advice has ruined me, He even doubt the paternity of our first child, The gist around town is that I was sleeping around and got pregnant for another man. I am also planning to sue the doctor for breaking the Doctor-Patient confidentiality clause. Cuss me out, I deserve it. I have lost my marriage and my self worth. I did not tell my husband because I wanted to save him the trauma of being involved in something so bitter. Now this is where it has landed me.
Tears has been my companion all these days, please married bv's, do not make this same mistake that I made.
Read more - http://ift.tt/1gifqs9
from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog http://ift.tt/1SaTPGo
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