Seems like I’ve known her all my life. The joy she brings not only fills my heart and mouth with laughter but my entire relatives. You are filled with good character. You are a rare gem, a paragon of beauty. I am popularly called Arizona by my pals…but when you call me, it fills my heart with joy. A sweet melodic sound that keeps resounding in my ears. Maybe you are a February born, maybe because February is the month of love. My love, I have decided to wish you Happy Birthday in the most special way. I’ll reach out to the world and tell them how much you mean to me.
So the following is by far the most popular thing I’ve written if the number of times it’s been copied is anything to go by.
I'd like to scuttle your puttle
Spiddle your paddle
Tickle your wickle
And twittle your taddle
Stroodle your doodle
Cromple your string
Brundle your strundle
And frondle your ding
See, I told you I’m completely nuts about you!
I can go on and on declaring how much feelings I have for you…
You’re Face: Always Stays In My Eyes
Your Smile: Takes Away All My Stress
Your Voice: Delights Me and Cheers Me Up
Your Feelings: Keep Me Connected To You
Your Charm: Attracts Me Like Nothing Else
Your Honesty: Makes Me Feel Secure
Your Mind: Reads Me the Best
Your Magic: Surprises Me All the Time
Your Fantasy: Gets Me Naughty
Your Personality: Keeps Me Hooked
Your Presence: Lifts Me Up
Your Moods: Excite Me Like A Child
Your Touch: Makes Me Come Alive
Your Compliments: Gives Me a High
Your Attention: I Want More & More
Your Silence: Gets Me Thinking
Your Happiness: Brightens My Face
Your Spark: Lights the Fire In Me
Your Energy: Keeps Me Going Your Happiness: Brightens My Face
I Love You My Sweetheart!! Happy Birthday Asam, Okwubuakudiya. May God grant you more prosperous years and good health.
Courtesy: Fiance
Happy Birthday to My Fiance "Miriam"
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