Days After TB Joshua’s Prediction, North Korea Test H-bomb
Two days ago, Prophet T.B. Joshua founder of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Ikotun, Lagos, made what could be termed a prophetic revelation about North Korea about it seems his prediction could be in the offing.
Joshua gave a global warning concerning the volatile North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. “I am seeing an ‘arrow’ from there and it will affect the world,” he declared, adding that, North Korea possessed weaponry that most countries were unaware of.
“The war we are fighting already in Syria is still there. We cannot afford another one again,” he stated, calling for those involved to embrace peace.
Fast-forward to Wednesday, 6 January, North Korea carried out a “successful” hydrogen bomb test, a claim that — if true — massively raises the stakes over the hermit state’s banned nuclear programme.
Although international condemnation was swift with neighbours South Korea and Japan decrying a gross violation of UN Security Council resolutions, while the White House said it was still studying the precise nature of the apparent test and vowed to “respond appropriately”, TB Joshua’s prediction appears to be one to be taken rather seriously.
“The republic’s first hydrogen bomb test has been successfully performed at 10:00 am (0330 GMT),” North Korean state television announced.
“With the perfect success of our historic H-bomb, we have joined the rank of advanced nuclear states,” it said, adding that the test was of a miniaturised device.
A hydrogen, or thermonuclear bomb, uses fusion in a chain reaction that results in a far more powerful explosion than the fission blast generated by uranium or plutonium alone.
Last month, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un suggested Pyongyang had already developed a hydrogen bomb.
TB Joshua’s Prophesy On North Korea Turns Out To Be True
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