What was Your Biggest Life Lesson from 2015? Read My Own Story..

Guys, let's share - what is that big lesson you have learned in 2015 that you never realized before?
I am going to start with my self. Sometime in November, I told you guys I was robbed, right? The robbery had happened 3am at my home on the 12th of November, 2015. Well, another thing I didn't tell you guys was that exactly 3 weeks later, December 1st to be precise, God dazed me with what I call my testimony of the year - My phones, an iphone6 and Blackberry Z10, which the robbers made away with, were mysteriously returned to me and the person that robbed me arrested and locked

This guy had robbed me, given my phones away to his gang members only for one of them the person he gave my iphone to to have a change of heart. This guy contacted me, handed me my phone back telling me how much he was pressed on his mind to return the phone back to me. That I should just thank God.

He didn't even stop there. This guy went on to tell me who exactly had my second phone the BB, how to get it back and get the guy that robbed me. The rest is history.. The next day, December 2nd, I was reunited with my priceless possessions.

I kept on asking him, what happened? Why did he choose to show me favour, all he said was 'Just thank God.'

I had prayed ceaselessly after that robbery and God proved himself that even in the least situations, he is God and can touch even a hardened criminal and turn him against his people for his child.

My biggest lesson this 2015, I learnt to believe God without a trace of doubt. I learnt when it comes to God, please never look before you leap.

No matter how dark it looks, no matter how long it’s been, no matter how many people are trying to push you down; if you will stay in faith and cast all your fears and worries on God, he will always take you from Sunday to Sunday. He will always complete what He started in you!

I would really like to know your life lesson. Maybe some of us will learn from you and can use the wisdom in 2016.

Thanks in advance.

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog http://ift.tt/1klPNvE
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