Types of Slaps Nigerians are Familiar With

Do you know there are different types of slaps? Am telling you the fact bro. Slaps can be fun and dangerous depending on the situation you are receiving it. Below, I’ll give a list of the different types of slaps you may meet as you go through your day.

There are 8 major types of slaps, they are:

1)TAKE AWAY SLAP: This is a situation where someone gives you a dirty slap and all you do is hold your face and walk away, this kind is normally received by newly born again Christians.

2) REMARKABLE SLAP: This kind of slap was invented by SOLDIERS, it looks as if the person forget his hand on your face. it shows the stretch hand mark of the slapper.

3)RESOUNDING SLAP: This is when after you’re hit, u keep hearing some funny sound in your brain like wiiiiiiiiiii,and voices n your head singing skelewu.

4) FORMATTING SLAP: This is the type that makes someone forget instantly what he or she was doing, you find yourself asking questions like ” what did I do?” ” who slap me? This type is very common, it is a slap from guys who re stronger than you.

5) EXPLANATION SLAP: When someone gives you this kind, you find yourself explaining the situation to the nearest person out of your own accord. E.g.. Bros, sheebi you been dey watch? I been no do anything o, I just dey pass na. This is a slap from soldiers that have missed promotion for a long time.

6) FIXED DEPOSIT SLAP: When you receive this kind of slap , all you do is just stand right where you are and watch the person walk away. This is slap from elder brothers.

7)RHETORICAL SLAP: The moment you download this slap u start asking questions that don’t need reply . eg: ” Mark you slap me?..

EMOTIONAL SLAP: This occurs between either a boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife. One partner by mistake slaps the other during foul play…

Types of Slaps Nigerians are Familiar With

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