Pretty Blog Reader Cutexty is a Year Older (Photos)

Hi Lailans.
Today I celebrate ME! The birth of Me! The person I have grown to be! The person I will become! The sister, daughter, friend, girlfriend, Geologist, "Beadologist", entrepreneur; I am! and the Mother I will be someday. Happy birthday to Me! I wish myself many more years of joy, love, laughter, health and prosperity. I wish myself strength and wisdom for days to come and success in everything I do today, tomorrow and always. Join me thank God for my life Lailans... Biko unu akokwanam onu oO! Hehhehehe. Anyway, if you yab me, I know Wilheminna Moses gat my back *lmao*.. Udo dili unu..

More photos of Xty after the cut:

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog

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