100 Year Old Former Police Man Lists Out The Ingredients For Long Life

Alhaji Ahmadu Tijani Adamoh, a former Assistant Superintendent of Police, is one of the few Nigerians that nature has been very kind to. He has not only defied expert’s postulation that gave average life span in Nigeria as 45 but he has doubled that and even added an extra 10.

When asked, apart from God,the secret behind his longetivity, he listed them as:

"Taking things easy. 

If you don’t take life too serious, 

If you don’t run for material things, 

If you accept your situation and you have rest of mind, 

When you don’t have evil intentions and 

You worship your God regularly, and you believe that God is the provider of all things, then you will live long."

Encomium Weekly

It is difficult to take things easy taking in Nigeria. The stress of fuel scarcity alone is enough to reduce some hours from our expected lifespan

from Nigerian: Breaking News In Nigeria | Laila's Blog http://ift.tt/1QLZIcL
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